Fighting the Flood of Witchcraft – Prayer Guidance
The material written below emerged out of the necessity of having a biblical handle against witchcraft attacks. The harshness of the prayer below only can be understood if someone had been under witchcraft attacks on one's own. The always freshest PDF version of this prayer can be downloaded here. The German version can be found here. Version: 4th June 2023 Forgiveness Based on Material of Win Worley in „Principles of Mass Deliverance“ Father, I confess that in the past I have held unforgiveness, sometimes bitterness and resentment in my heart against certain people who have hurt or disappointed me. I now recognize this as sin and confess it as sin, for You have said in your Word that if we confess our sin, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness ( 1 John 1:9 ) I do now forgive the following people whom I can remember, who have hurt or disappointed me. {Insert here the names of all who come to mind}. I now freely forgive all these p...