Fighting the Flood of Witchcraft – Prayer Guidance

The material written below emerged out of the necessity of having a biblical handle against witchcraft attacks. The harshness of the prayer below only can be understood if someone had been under witchcraft attacks on one's own. The always freshest PDF version of this prayer can be downloaded here.

The German version can be found here.

Version: 4th June 2023

Based on Material of Win Worley in „Principles of Mass Deliverance“

Father, I confess that in the past I have held unforgiveness, sometimes bitterness and resentment in my heart against certain people who have hurt or disappointed me.

I now recognize this as sin and confess it as sin, for You have said in your Word that if we confess our sin, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)

I do now forgive the following people whom I can remember, who have hurt or disappointed me. {Insert here the names of all who come to mind}. I now freely forgive all these people and ask You to bless them with repentance, holiness and the Spirit of Sonship, if they are living. I also forgive myself for all my many faults and failures for You have freely forgiven me.

Thank You, Father, for freedom from the load of unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Including people into this prayer

Father in Heaven, I will pray for the following people, for their safety and well-being and against the witchcraft that wants to attack them: for me, my spouse, my children, … _________________________


Taking up the Armor

Based on Ephesians 6:10-22

Taking on Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Boots of the Readiness to share the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of the Hope of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit – the Word of God, Prayer in the Spirit always for all the Saints and the ministers to share the mystery of the Gospel as it ought to be in all freedom. 

Localizing the people who work in witchcraft

Father in Heaven, I pray against all witchcraft against us, especially the one coming from these senders: Catholic Church, Jesuits… _____________________________________________________________


Breaking all protection of the senders of witchcraft

Father in Heaven, I pray that by the blood of Jesus and holy fire you break off and destroy any and all protective hexes, rituals, blood sacrifices, astrology and moon witchcraft, every witchcraft, magick and sorcery, covenants and demons around, in and with the senders that would protect them from receiving their righteous rewards for their iniquities. I send Eaters, Wasters, Destroyers, the Smith, the Device and glowing coals upon all their occult „powers“.

Confession of Contact with the Occult

Based on Material of Win Worley in „Principles of Mass Deliverance“

Father, I confess to You, that in the past, through ignorance, curiosity or willfulness, we have come into contact with certain occult things. We now recognize this as sin and confess it as sin and claim forgiveness in Jesus' Name.

Specifically we do confess as sin and renounce all contacts which we have had with the following occult things: {name all that come to mind}.

We also renounce and confess as sin any false oaths which we may have made to any false god and any idolatry in which we have been involved.

Breaking Curses

Based on Material of Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I break any and all curses placed against us by witchcraft, spells or enchantments and command the curses and demons from them to return to the senders, and I bind it to them by the Blood of Jesus (Psalms 109). I break the power of any and all blood sacrifices and rituals invoked against us or our families in the Name of Jesus. I proclaim the Blood of Jesus upon any of our personal items that workers of black magick may have accumulated. I proclaim the Blood of Jesus upon our hair, our nails, pespiration, clothing, our blood, our saliva, our urine or any other body fluid and upon our personal photos, our families’ photos, our birthdate, our written name, our signature, handwriting, foot print, finger print or hand prints and any drawings or dolls created in our image. I declare all of these curses null and void, by the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ!

I now break the curse of Leviathan back to ten generations on both sides of our families‘ bloodlines, and even as far back to Adam and Eve. In the Name of Jesus Christ and by His Blood I break any curses of rejection or unwantedness from the womb or illegitimacy which may be in our families, ten generations back and even back to the Garden of Eden on both sides of our families’ bloodlines. 

In the Name of Jesus Christ, we renounce eating any form of blood and break and loose us from all demonic subjection which resulted from eating blood in any form (Acts:15:20). We ask forgiveness for maintaining an unhealthy diet, unhealthy foods that may have given the devil place in our lifves with obesity or infirmity. 

In the Name of Jesus Christ, we renounce, break off and loose ourselves from all curses invoked from listening to ungodly music in any form. 

We renounce, break off and loose ourselves from all demonic subjection, from any ungodly soul ties to our mother, father, grandparents or any other person, living or dead, who have ever dominated or controlled us, in any way which is contrary to the will of God and His word. I thank you Lord for setting us free. We also repent and ask You to forgive us if we have ever dominated or controlled some other person in such a wrong way.

Renunciation of Psychic Bondage

Based on Material of Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, by the power of His precious Blood, we now renounce, break the curses and loose ourselves, all our descendants and all our properties, from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers, bondages, bonds or physical or mental illness, or curses which may be upon us or our family lines or properties as a result of sins, transgressions, iniquities, sorcery, black magick, witchcrafts, occult or psychic involvements of us, our parents, or any of our ancestors (my spouse, any and all ex-spouses, or their parents, or any of their ancestors). 

Right now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the power of His Blood, I break all curses and loose us, all our descendants and all our properties from all evil curses, incantations, chanting, charms, crystals, hexes, vexes, voodoo, hoodoo, incense burning, candle magick, sex magick, every magic, blood sacrifices, blood rituals, Effigies, doll spells, vexations, bottle curses, cutting of roots, curses from berries, curses from powders, herbs, eggs, oil bewitchments, insect curses, army of insects, crystals, swords, arrows, poison, murder, charms, jinxes, accidents, misfortune, potions, spells of Death, spells of Destruction, graveyard dirt, coffin wood, coffin nails, pins, needles, pain, sickness, evil disease, all bewitchments, meditations, imagined evil, imagined anger, prayer chains, witchcraft or sorcery in any form which may have been put upon me or my family line, from any witch, warlock, covens, person or persons or from any occult or psychic source. 

I claim the Blood of Jesus upon each of these demonic powers, to negate and cancel them over us now! I also renounce all connected and related spirits and in the Name of Jesus I command them to go back to the senders, through their walls of protection and be bound to them by the Blood of Jesus, that their own traps and pits would become a blessing unto them, and that they would find the salvation truth of Jesus Christ to set them free from their own snares, Amen. I thank you Lord Jesus for setting me free!

Cutting Evil Soul Ties

Based on Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

Father God, in Jesus’ Name I break and renounce, cut and burn and break all evil soul ties which we may have with lodges, religious systems, adulterers, drunkards, close friends, cults, these occultists, demonic spirits etc., and I command all ungodly soul ties by name to come out now, that were formed by fornication, adultery or ex-spouses. Go in Jesus’ Name! Leave now!

I renounce and break off all unrightful claims on us – of all the people that work in ungodly ways against us. 

Loosing the Mind

Based on Material of Win Worley in „Principles of Mass Deliverance“

In the name of Jesus Christ, I command Satan and all of his demons to loose our minds and bodies completely. I ask You, Father, to send Your angels to break, cut and sever all fetters, bands, chains, ties and bonds of Belial, Death and whatever sort, that the enemy has managed to place on our minds or bodies by word or deed. I ask You to loose into us the spirits of the Lord: Wisdom, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord, Power, Love, Sound Mind, Grace, Peace, and the Spirit of the Lord.

Restoration of Fragmented Soul

Based on Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

Heavenly Father, I ask You in the Name of Jesus to send Angels to gather up fragments of my soul and restore them to their rightful place in me, because you are a lover of my soul. (Psalms 7:2, 23:3). 

Dear Father God, with the full power and authority of the Name Lord Jesus, I ask that Angels unearth and break all earthen vessels, bonds, bands or bindings which have been put upon my soul by any means.

Restore all the pieces of my fragmented mind, will, emotions, appetite, intellect, heart and personality. Bring them all into proper original positions where they belong.

Confession of Sins of the Fathers

Based on Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

In accordance with (Leviticus 26), I do now confess for myself and the sins of my ancestors, and ask forgiveness for these sins. I petition and proclaim the Blood of Jesus be sprinkled to dissolve all the roots and legal grounds of these sins on both sides of my family bloodlines, back ten generations, and even as far back as Adam and Eve. All sins of Idolatry, Witchcraft, Fornication, Lust, Incest, eating blood, murder, abortion, stealing, injustices, Cruelties to persons or beasts, mistreating the poor, covetousness, occultism, divination, adultery, divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, pedophilia, perversions, Bestiality, necrophilia, necromancy, Fear, rebellion, stubbornness and wicked heart of unbelief, all sins known and unknown. Let the Blood of Jesus cleanse me of them. I claim forgiveness because of the provisions in 1st John 1:9, and I break the cycle of recompense and lift the curses of Woe, whoredoms and iniquities off me and my descendants. In Jesus’ Name, I command all spirits associated with these to leave me and my family and go wherever Jesus wants to send them right now!

Prayer of Surrender to Jesus

Based on Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

I come to you Lord Jesus, as our Deliverer. You know all our problems, all the things that drive, torment, defile and harass us. I now loose us from every dark spirit, from every evil influence, from all satanic bondage and from every spirit in us which is not a spirit of God the Father. 

I command all such spirits to leave us now in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

I confess that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I ask the Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Angels to go into our bodies as burning ministering Spirits of fire ( Ps.104:4) to war against every evil spirit in us right now. Satan has no place in us, no more power over us because of the Blood of Jesus. 

Binding the Witchcraft Principalities in Heaven and Air

Based on Material of Win Worley in „End Time Mind Control“

Father, in Jesus‘ name we bind from the highest to the lowest spirit all the hordes of: 
    • False Prophet, Angel of Light, Evil Messengers, Evil Guardian Angels
    • End Time Mind Control, Mind Control, Cult Control, Psychic Power, Psychic Prayer, Mind Occult
    • Baal, Ashtaroth
    • Astrology Spirits, Arcturus, Mazzaroth, Taurus, Mars, Betalgeuse, Marticus, Moon Witchcraft

Binding the Attackers and Sending them Back

Father, in Jesus‘ name we bind from the highest to the lowest spirit all the hordes of: 
    • False Prophet with: Mind Control, Antichrist, Evil Worker, Anger, Hate, Murderer of the Prophets, false discernment, false prophecy, false vision, false dream, false tongues, Error, Heresy, Witchcraft, Deception, Lying, Religious Spirits
    • Judas with: Mind Control, Accuser of the Brethren, Leviathan, Pride, Slander, Backbiting, Dissension, Division, Strife, Jealousy, Accusation, Maligning the Flock, Judgment
    • Hades with: Mind Control, Sheol, Abaddon, Death, Depression, Suicide, Mind Control, Deep Sleep, Sickness, Infirmity, Intimidation, Fear, Retreat, Timidity, Procrastination
    • Baal with: Nephilim, Simon the Sorcerer, Bar-Jesus, Night Terror, Baalam
    • Ashtaroth with: Mind Control, Jezebel, Ahab, Joram, Ahasjah, Athaliah, Family Destruction, Family Priesthood Destruction, Laziness, Foolishness, Idolatry, Whoredom, Fornication, Masturbation, Unclean Eyes, Pedophilia, Perversion, Incest, Sodomy, Poverty, Alcoholism, Addiction, Violence

In Jesus‘ name we send all of these packages back to the senders, marry them together by the Blood of Jesus to attack our enemies fiercely. We send with you together torments of Tartarus. 

Shutting off the Supply

I also disrupt all the communication between these spirits in all directions. I blind, gag, mute and lame them. 

I put all the occultists and all the monitoring and familiar spirits in boxes and mazes to wander around and gather false information. 

We also notify all the evil spirits that for every attack and slander that we have received, there will be seven times worse damage to these wicked kingdoms. Father, please loose sufficient angels to enforce this command. 

Everything that had been stolen from us, we claim back seven times. In Jesus‘ name we loose angels to force the thieves to loose and restore all of their spoils.

Closing the Doors to Satan

Based on Richard Keltner‘s „Mass Deliverance Manual“

Satan, I rebuke you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am closing the doors which we or our ancestors may have opened to you and your demons. I renounce Satan and all his demons, I hate them and declare them to be my enemies and I want them out of our lives completely. 

In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I now claim deliverance from any and all evil spirits which may be in or around us. Once and for all, I close the door in my life to all occult practices and command all connected and related spirits to leave us now. 

I proclaim the Blood of Jesus upon all doors the enemy had in our lives and upon all gateways of the devil.

Loosing Confusion

Based on Material of Win Worley in „Warfare Prayers“

In the Name of Jesus, I loose upon Satan, his headquarters, strongholds, orders, lawlessness, plans, curses, vicious circles, patterns, lies, armory, altars, objects, ranks of rulership and demons in the world and the heavens: the spirit of Elijah (1 Kings 17- 21, Luke 1:17), of Jehu (2 Kings 9), the sickbed (Revelations 2:22), the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and the Spirit of prophecy (Rev 12:11; Rev 19:10), the hounds (2 Kings 9:36), God’s arrows (1 Kings 22:34; 2 Kings 9:24), the sore, great, strong sword of the Lord (Isaiah 27:1), the iron rod of Jesus (Ps 2:9; Rev 2:27), the bears (2. Kings 2:24), the burning foxes (Judges 15:4), the thorns of wilderness and the briers (Judges 8:7), the curse of the Philistines (1.Sam 5), Midianites (Judges 7:22), Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites (2 Chron 20), the plagues of Egypt (1 Sam 4:8), panic, frustration, discouragement, hindrance, havoc, confusion, pandemonium, disasters, chaos, destruction upon each other, the hornets of the Lord (Exo 23:28; Deut 7:20), the glory of the Lord, the wrath, hatred, anger, terror, fear and finger of God (Luke 11:20), darkness, darkened eyes (Psalm 69), smoke, thunder, arrows, lightning, revenge (Psalm 18; 144), slippery paths (Psalm 35), the burning judgment and warring angels, the chariots of Israel and their riders, spirits and the Word of God, to prevent Satan’s orders from being done; to bring about God’s perfect will. 

We rebuke and cast out the demons in all of us and replace them with the spirits of God and His Word – especially that the demonic strongmen or rulers in us and our fellowships will be replaced (Matt 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26) with Agape love, Sonship and Prayer and that the demonic doorkeepers be replaced with joy and that we have peace in abundance. 

Psalmist‘s Strike on the Enemies

Based on Psalm 2, Psalm 35, Psalm 144, Psalm 69, Psalm 18, Psalm 109, Psalm 129

    • Lord, we suffer the hatred that they have towards You, stand up (Ps 69:8+10)!
    • Be not silent against their lies and mockery. Make them ashamed and red-faced. Go against their false claims! (Ps 35:19-26; Ps 69:5)
    • Bring revenge against our enemies (Ps 18:48; Romans 12:19).
    • Let not Your saints be discouraged by our misery (Ps 69:7)
    • Father give our enemies into our hands. I smash them with the iron rod of Jesus (Ps 2:8-9; Rev 2:26-28).
    • Lord, teach our hands to fight and to use your weapons and strengthen us by Your mercy and right hand (Ps 18:35-36; Ps 144).
    • Stand up and fight our enemies, take up your weapons, stand in their ways (Psalm 35:1-3).
    • Hear our cry,come down with earthquake, move the foundations of mountains and waters, uncover the foundations of earth and sea by your rebukes, dry up these demonic waters(Ps 18:7-8+16).
    • Come from heaven with smoke, devouring fire, dark clouds and waters, Cherubim, winds, darkness, shining, hail, lightning bolts, thunder, your loud voice, loud rebukes, many arrows and scatter the enemies (Ps 18:9-16)
    • Pull us ouf of many waters, miry clay, depths and pits (Ps 18:17; Ps 69:15-16).
    • Resist the proud ones and humiliate the proud eyes (Ps 18:26-27)
    • Smash armies and bring us over the walls (Ps 18:30).
    • Put us upon the rock, give us a strong stand for our feet (Ps 18:34+37).
    • In Jesus‘ name I chase our enemies and smash them. They shall not stand up any longer. I grind them to dust and cast them out like dung (Ps 18:38-43).
    • I command the enemies to prostrate in front of Jesus and to come out of their fortresses with shivering (Psalm 18:44-46
    • Make those ashamed that are after our lives and misery. THEY shall become as chaff in the wind, the angel of the Lord push THEM away. Make THEIR ways slippery. The angel of the Lord persecute THEM. Misery shall fall on THEM and THEIR net shall catch THEM (Ps 35:4-8).
    • Psalm 69:23-28: 23 Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake. 24 Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them. 25 Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents. 26 For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded. 27 Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness. 28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.
    • No one shall bless them or pray for them. They shall wither away even before the reaper comes (Ps 129:5-8).
    • Psalm 109:6-20: 6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. 7 When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin. 8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office. 9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. 10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. 11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour. 12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children. 13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. 14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. 16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart. 17 As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him. 18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. 19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually. 20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul. 

Let all their curses and demons go back into all their networks of unclean soul ties of witchcraft, spreading upon all their high priests, partners, children, houses, properties, jobs and businesses to be fruitful and multiply and being bound by the blood of Jesus until they repent. 

More Psalms for Protection

    • Psalm 119

    • Psalms 120-129


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