Roman Catholicism – Renunciation and Deliverance

Based on Material of Win Worley (Warfare Prayers and Deliverance Records) V.: 04/09/2023


Father in Heaven, I confess in Jesus name the sins of Babylon that I, my fathers and my ancestors have committed. I confess the sins of idolatry, witchcraft, unbelief, lust, God-robbing, sins of abominations and abominable behavior and I ask for and receive forgiveness for these sins in the name of Jesus. 1 John 1:9 says that if we confess those sins, you will cleanse and you will forgive – and I claim this truth. 

I repent from all sins of Babylon. Because of your Word I take authority and I lift the curses, punishment, the whoredom and the iniquities away from me and all family lines back to Adam and Eve and off my descendants right now in Jesus name. 

Specifically I do now break all curses and judgments put on me or my ancestors from prayers or the rite of excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church, back to twenty generations on all sides of my family.

I break all curses and black magic put upon me or my family because of my turning to Christ and coming out of the Babylonian system. I renounce and break any and all legal rights that the Roman Catholic church has on me because of the sacrament of baptism, infant or adult. I claim Galatians 3:13 and Colossians 2:14. 

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree (Galatians 3:13).

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross (Colossians 2:14).

Any curses and black magic put on me or my family lines by the Roman Catholic church for denying all idolatrous and witchcraft practices I do now break and send them back where Jesus commands them to go and pray for the salvation of the sending people in Jesus name.

I do now break any oath or promise I or someone else made towards the Roman Catholic church or towards that religion which would allow any demonic attacks from Satan on me or my family.

I ask for forgiveness and release from any curses and punishments put on me or my family lines because of receiving any of the sacraments: Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Extreme Unction, Matrimony, or Holy Orders. I break all ungodly soul ties with any Roman Catholics: whether they be family members, friends, the Pope or other clergy (priests and nuns).

I do now specifically break any curse of Death, Destruction, Illness, Infirmity, Blindness, Crippling, Heart Disease, Cancer, Leprosy, Blood Disease, Deformity, Insanity, Madness, Murder, Hate, Rage, 

Religious Pride, Legalism, Double mindedness, Spirit and Leaven of Pharisees, Moloch, Poverty, Contention.

I break any curses put on me or my family lines which were pronounced by the Council of Trent against all “heretics” and “schismatics”.

I break all curses on my body, mind and emotions; especially all spirits of Fear: Fear of Death, Fear of Roman Catholic clergy, Priests, Nuns, Loss of Salvation, Fear of Hell, Blind Obedience etc.

I also repent of “good works” and break any related curse. I confess the sins of myself and my fathers (1 John 1:9) which may have brought the curse of the Vagabond (returning evil for good) on my family line and ask for the release of every curse and punishment.

I ask for forgiveness for the sins of murder, racism and antisemitism connected with the killing of “heretics”, Jews and pagans and break all religious curses on me and my family and any connected curses. I break all curses of witchcraft coming from the Roman Catholic church and send them back to where Jesus commands them.

List of Catholic Spirits to cast out in the Name of Jesus Christ:

Spirits of Babylon, Candles, Lighting Candles, Votive Candles, Catholic hymns, Gregorian singing, Blessing of the Throat, “saints” (by name), St. Blasius, St. Joseph, St. Mary, St. Anne, St. Elizabeth, St. Catherine, St. Jude, St. Christopher, Angel of Good Counsel, all the “saints”, Dedication to the “Saints”, Worshipping the “Saints”, Praying before the “Saints”, Feast day of the “Saints”, “Saint's” Days, Genuflection, Monstrance, Idols, Statues, Holy Pictures, Crucifix, Bowing down to Idols, Confessional, Confession, Fear from the Sacrament, Fear of the Priest, Fear of the Nun, Confirmation, Confirmation Name, Named after Demons, Communion, First Communion, False Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Adoration of the Host, Lourdes, Relics, Fatima, Incense, Fear of Excommunication, Anathema, Immaculate Conception of Mary, Worship and Veneration of Mary, Mariolatry, Mariology, all works in honor of Mary, Holy Virgin, Sacred Heart of Mary, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of Mercedes, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Black Madonna, Madonna of Medjugorje, Infant of Prague, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Black Virgin; Mary, Queen of Heaven; Queen of Peace, Queen of Righteousness, Queen of Martyrs; Mary, Star of the Sea, Miracles and Appearances of Mary, Visitations and Prophecies of Mary, all spirits connected to Mary, Mass, Sacrifice of the Mass, Obedience to the Priest, One Holy Priesthood, Destruction of the Family Priesthood, Dedication to the Priesthood, Dedication to be a nun, One True Church, Novenas, Prayers and Novenas to Saints, Blind Obedience to Superiors, Lying in Confessional Box, False Confession, Fear coming from Confessional, Rosary, The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, Purgatory, Fear of Purgatory, Fear of Judgment and Hell, Hatred, Guilt, Condemnation, Unworthiness, Religious Spirits of Good Works, Mind Control, Liturgy, Liturgic Year, Christmas, Easter, Holy Orders, Extreme Unction, False Celibacy, Witchcraft Control for Celibacy, Idolatry, Holy Water, Pharmakeia, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Benediction Services, Human Bone Relic (from the Altar), Way of the Cross, Stations of the Cross, Pilgrimage, Pilgrimmage of Santiago, Religious Spirits, Black Mass, Molech, Baal, Sun Worship, Ashtaroth, Semiramis, Tammuz, Nimrod, Authority of the Pope, Infallibility of the Pope, Pope Worship, Priest worship, False Anointing, false Sacraments, Sacrament of Matrimony, False Holy Spirit, Python, False Jesus, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Family, False Gospel, Self-Mortification, Signum Crucis, Indulgences, Sodom and Gommorah, Lust, Abuse, Molestation, Pedophilia, Homosexuality, Fornication, Child Murder, Murder, Racism, Antisemitism, Ritual Sacrifice, Human Trafficking, Unbelief, Evil Heart of Unbelief, Spiritual Blindness and Deafness, Poverty, Religious Medals, Amulets and Talismans, Spiritual Adultery, Passion, spirits of Agony and Ecstasy, Magic from the Catholic Church, Superstition, Church Bells, Jesuit Oaths, Jesuit Curses, Jesuit Occultism, Affiliation to Jesuits, Maltese Order, St. John’s Order, Oaths and Affiliation to Orders, Inquisition, Holocaust, Violence, Torture, Threat, Manipulation, Abuse of Power, Hypocrisy, Double-Talk, Deception, Infiltration of Believers, Wolf, Evil Worker, Dog, Hireling, Worship Service System, Exorcism (Crucifix, “Holy” Water, Latin Liturgies), Catholic Charismatic spirits, Ecumenism, False Love, False Holy Spirit, False Gifts, False Visions, False Prophecies, False Healings, False Miracles, False Signs, Amazement and Love for Temples/Churches and Relics

Sources: [requested on February, 25th, 2022] [requested on February, 25th, 2022]
