Warfare Prayers Against Covid-Crisis and Evil Plans of Darkness in this Present Time

The following prayers are inspired or taken out of the booklet "Warfare Prayers" by Win Worley. In the recent weeks we have prayed daily to stop the evil plans of the devil and to finally destroy them. We see that God gives breakthroughs step by step – if His people just finally started to pray (2 Chron 7:13-14). Please pray each day together with us so that God still permits a time of grace to come before the dreadful day of the Lord comes. 

Surely we have not yet found the best way to go against the devil in the spiritual war; but we feel urged to give at least a proven possibility to our brethren for entering into spiritual warfare.

In spiritual warfare it is important that we constantly pray and fight on. Because the powers and principalities in the airs push themselves again over the areas and issues of the world that had been prayed free again; therefore Paul explains the spiritual battle to be a wrestling (Eph 6). A wrestling match was decided by bringing the enemy to the ground and holding him down there, thus making him unfit for combat. That means that we do not just "nudge" the enemy away for a moment, but we have to keep up the pressure against him in prayer until he clears the field. Though, in this age always one Zeitgeist will replaced by the other one so that we have to constantly pray and fight. 

But in this we do not have to beg to God for doing things but we act out of the third Heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father, in Christ, and we have the promises to trample upon snakes and scorpions (Lk 10:19) as well as to be able to bind and loose (Mt 18,18). 

Hence, please make sure in all spiritual fight that first and foremost you yourself are safely in Jesus, that you are right with Him and that you fight against spirits and not people so therefore you do not send evil things to them in prayer. 

If you want to print the prayers, you can download them here as PDF. And now, below there is a suggestion for a prayer time in which you can fight for all the people as it is commanded to us (1 Tim 2:1-4). Please share this prayer with your brethren. 

Prayer Against Covid-Crisis and Evil Plans of Darkness in this Present Time [Version 01/23/2022]

Inspired and/or taken from Win Worley‘s booklet „Warfare Prayers“

    • Pray on behalf of you, your family and your fellowship, every morning, every day.
    • Submit to God and resist the devil.
    • God wants persistent, constant prayer and spiritual warfare and notifies us about that in both, Old and New Testament (Exo 17:11; 1 Kings 8:46-50; 1 Sam 7:8-13; Judges 4:24; 2 Chron 7:13-14; Dan 6+9:4-5; Luke 18:1-8; Eph 6:10-20; 1 Thess 5:17).

Ideas for a Spiritual Warfare Prayer Time

[Page numbers refer to Win Worley’s booklet “Warfare Prayers”; parts with * are from the German version]

Start with Getting Right and Safe in God

    • Praising God, thanking him 
    • Submitting to God
    • Forgiving Others
    • Confessing Sins
    • Confessing burdens and sorrows and putting them in front of the cross
    • Putting on the armor of light (Eph 6:10-20)

    • Blood (page 2) 
I place the Blood of Jesus on our doorposts (Ex 12:13); I draw the bloodline of Jesus around our possessions and properties (Jos 2:18); and I sprinkle (Lev 4:6, Ex 24:8); throw (Lev 1:5, Ex 29:20,21), place, and pour the blood of Jesus upon myself and family and friends. 

    • The Covenant of the Blood (pages 20/21)
Through the Blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Through the Blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven. The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is cleansing me now from all sin. Through the Blood of Jesus, I am justified, made righteous, just as if I had never sinned. Through the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart for God. My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified by the blood of Jesus. I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son - with body, soul and spirit. His blood protects me from all evil. Because of the blood of Jesus, Satan has no more power over me, no more place in me. I renounce him and his hosts completely and declare them to be my enemies. Jesus said: "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out demons: ...." (Mark 16:17). I am a believer, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I exercise my authority and expel all evil spirits. I command them to leave me now, according to the Word of God and in the name of Jesus.

    • Loosing the Angels and the Word (pages 8/9)
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I loose into myself and family and fellowship and friends: the angels of God to fight our battles in the heavenlies, guard us totally and completely from Satan and all his host, and stop us from believing and agreeing with lies. We bind all deception within us, prevent any more from getting through to us. Minister to our needs.

Upon all fears I loose: perfect, agape, true, pure love; the love of God and our love for each other (1 John 4:18); power (2 Timothy 1:7) and sound mind and self control (Micah 3:8).

Upon our minds and all deceiving spirits, I loose: knowledge, revelation and understanding (1 John 8:32); wisdom (Job 20:3); truth (Exodus 28:3), Eph 1:17); diligent searching (John 14:17, 1 John 4:6); freedom (Psalm 77:6); deliverance (Psalm 51:12).

Upon all marriage and family destroying spirits, I loose: God's family protecting angels (Genesis 24) and the Spirit of Elijah.

Upon rejection, I loose: the love of the brethren (1 John 3:14); acceptance in the beloved (Eph 1:6), the acceptance of God and the approval of men (Romans 14:18), adoption as children of God (Romans 8:15).

Upon all Ahab and Jezebel spirits, I loose: God’s arrows (1 Kings 22:34; 2 Kings 9:24), the spirit of Elijah (1 Kings 17- 21, Luke 1:17), of Jehu (2 Kings 9) and the hounds (2 Kings 9:36). I also loose upon us: aggressiveness (Mark 11:22-26), boldness, zealousness, willingness (Matthew 26:41), readiness (Mark 14:38), service, fairness, honesty, obedience; creativity, ingeniousness, inventiveness, retentive mind, (Prov 8:22), maturity, purity, holiness, righteousness, guileless (Ps 32:2), perseverance, steadfastness, (Romans 12:11), a new spirit (Ez 18:31; 36:36), good (Neh 9:20, 30), right (Psalm 51:10), excellent (Prov 17:27; Daniel 6:3), praise (Isaiah 61:3), thankfulness, worship (John 4:24), singing (1 Cor 14:15), prayer (1 Cor 4:21), quiet (1 Peter 3:4), constraining (Job 32:18), contrite (Psalm 34:18), broken (Psalm 51 :17), judgment (Isaiah 4:4; 28:6), repentance, conviction (Isaiah 57:15, 66:2), and all the fruits (Gal 5:22-23), love, joy, peace, patience and longsuffering (Eccl. 7:8), gentleness, kindness, goodness faithfulness (Prov 11:12), meekness (1 Cor 4:21; Gal 6:1) and humility (Prov 16:19, 29:23; Isaiah 57:15), temperance, self-control and all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10): wisdom, knowledge, faith (2 Corinthians 4:13), prophecies, healings, miracles, (Rev 19:10), tongues and interpretation of tongues, discernment of spirits, encouragement, teaching, help and administration. We ask this to help us become more like Jesus and to prepare us for our marriages, families and ministries. We loose: each person's angels (Matt 18:10), grace, mercy, supplication (Zech 12:10), life, health, healing, restoration, well-being, and life-giving spirits (2 Cor 2:6; Rev 11:11); counsel and skill to rule, might and strength (Luke 1:80), fear of the reverence for the Lord (Isaiah 11:2), the seven spirits of God (Rev 1: 4, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6), quickening (John 6:63); success, victory, profit, prosperity, abundance, plenty, sound economy, good weather and salvation. 

    • Ask the Father to bind, cast down and out the spirits that cause most of the problems you personally encounter (e.g. stress, anger, confusion, lack of understanding) and loose the biblical opponents of the enemies (e.g. Rest, Meekness, Sound Mind, Opened Eyes).
    • You also can pray more on the subject of breaking occult, mind control, curses, witchcraft, specific sins, forbidding transfer of spirits, etc. out of the booklet on Warfare Prayers – or other good sources – every day. 

Proceed with

    • Unbelief, Doubt and Fear (pages 7/8)
Father, I renounce unbelief, doubt, lies, accusation and fear. I ask forgiveness from these and bind and cast them out of us. I ask you replace them with truth, faith, trust and confidence in You and help us to have contentment, peace and rest in You. 

    • Binding and Loosing (page 7)
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind the rulers, the strongmen, doorkeepers and all connected, related and resulting demons of witchcraft, Satan worship, human and animal sacrifice, black magic, witchcraft control, mind control, mind occult and the occult of, over, in and working in and through: the world, our nation (name it), each state, county, city, township, suburb, street, neighborhood, block, home and church. 

I send in the Name of Jesus, upon and into all of Satan’s children, partaking of and planning these wicked and evil practices, the angels of God to keep them from the evil and deliver them, also repentance, godly sorrow, faith, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, humility; also spirits of Salvation, Goodness, Longsuffering and Adoption as Children of God (Romans 8:15) and Deliverance. I send Burning, Judgement and Destruction upon their evil deeds and plans. May all their occultism, curses and covenants be turned into blessings for them and their victims, for the glory of Jesus and through His Blood and cross so that they can find the salvation truth of Jesus and can be freed of their own snares.

I ask You, Father, to put a special covering of angels over each ceremony, coven, witch and warlock, so that no curse or demon can emerge or be sent. In the Name of Jesus, I send all curses and demons that they have already or will attempt to send out to the proper place that Jesus commands.

Father, I ask You to send special angels to protect (Exodus 8:22-23), hide and put a hedge around (Job 1:10) all Your children, especially those who are in the deliverance ministry; and all people and animals that would be sought out to be sacrificed or to be cursed. 

    • Loosing Confusion (page 8)
In the Name of Jesus, I loose upon Satan, his headquarters, strongholds, orders, plans, curses, lies, armory, objects and demons: God’s arrows (1 Kings 22:34; 2 Kings 9:24), the iron rod of Jesus (Ps 2:9; Rev 2:27), the curse of the Philistines (1.Sam 5), Midianites (Judges 7:22), Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites (2 Chron 20), the plagues of Egypt (1 Sam 4:8), panic, frustration, havoc, confusion, pandemonium, disasters, chaos, destruction upon each other, the hornets of the Lord (Exo 23:28; Deut 7:20), the wrath, hatred, anger, terror, fear and finger of God (Luke 11:20), the burning judgment and warring angels, spirits and the Word of God, to prevent Satan’s orders from being done; to bring about God’s perfect will. 

We bind and cast out the demons in us and replace them with the spirits of God and His Word (especially that the demonic strongmen or rulers in us and our fellowships will be replaced (Matt 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26) with agape love and that the demonic doorkeepers be replaced with joy and that we have peace in abundance. 

    • Civil War in Satan‘s Kingdom (page 11)
(Matt 12:22-32; Mark 3:20-30; Luke 11:14-23). In the Name of Jesus Christ, we command Satan’s demons to fight against and destroy each other. Specifically, we command all marriage- and family-hindering, delaying, preventing, destroying and breaking demons to attack spirits of Ahab and Jezebel. 

We command the spirits of lawlessness, rebellion, scepticism, disobedience and disbelief to attack the spirits of power and control. We command the spirits of power and control to attack the spirits of pornography and Eros; the spirits of violence and torture to attack the spirits of human subjection, degradation, ungodly submission, segregation and split. 

Father, please loose the spirits of riches and wealth by greed to attack the spirits of lust for one world rulership, currency, blackmailing by official fines, legal harassment and threat, lockdown, and total control of the world system; the spirits of anti capitalism, rebellion against free enterprise, strike and work stoppage to attack the spirits of poverty, hatred for believers, anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and human bondage, forced treatments, climate propaganda and esoteric and self-righteous resistance. 

Father, please let the spirits of war between the nations, destruction, murder, hatred and anger attack the spirits of political and spiritual blindness, pandemic-lies, media-manipulation, fear mongering, rage, mockery, vengeance, evil political science and influence, word-, number- and statistical magic, diagnostical and word curses,  pharmakeia, Illuminati and Communism. 

Please let the spirits of antichrist, 666 and false religions attack the spirits of Roman Catholicism, Jesuit occultism and Masonry; the spirits of infirmities, sicknesses, weaknesses, deformities, accidents and pandemic. Let them attack the spirits of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, bad nutrition and abortion. Let them destroy the spirits of mind control and darkness and attack the spirits of Leviathan and pride. 

Father, we ask You to loose burning, judgment and destruction upon all disobedient and reluctant spirits that fail to follow these commands. And that you loose angels to throw all free evil spirits into a quarantine and to constantly vaccine them with the Blood of Jesus.

    • Binding the Strongman (pages 16/17)
Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the authority You have given us (Matt 16:19; Luke 10:19; Matt 18:18), we now bind the strongman (Luke 11:20-22) over all evil spirit powers working in and through the following: The Illuminati; Council of 13; The Rothschilds; The Rockefellers; The Bilderbergers; Trilateral Commission; Council on Foreign Relations; Federal Reserve; Internal Revenue Service; UN; Socialism; Humanism; Liberalism; Communism; Atheism; The Kremlin; Peking; Church of WICCA; All Satanist Churches; The Roman Catholic Church; The Vatican; Jesuits and Black Pope; Babylon; The Pope; Beast and False Prophet; antichrist; Hospitals; Prisons; One World Government; International Monetary Fund; World Bank; Witchcrafts and Zodiac Powers; Esoteric masters, gurus, channels, movements; antichrists and false saviours; World Council of Churches; Body of Christ; All True Fellowships; All Believers; Israel and Jerusalem.

And we break all the curses, vexes, hexes and spells over these people, places and institutions in the Name of Jesus Christ, as well as over: The President, the Vice President, The Cabinet, All Senators, Representatives, Supreme Court, All Judges, Family, Business, The Defense Institutions, State Department, All the States, Governors, Ministers and Prime Ministers, State Legislatures, all offices and agencies, Counties, Cities, Villages, Home and Possessions.

We go against all  spirits of “spiritual guides”, channeling, mind control, divination, necromancy, mysticism, reincarnation, meditation, soul travel, yoga, martial arts, Kundalini and inner healing. We bind all these evil spirit powers and loose the spirits of Burning, Destruction, Judgment and Confusion on them and loose Warrior Angels to attack and destroy them and all their submitted evil spirits. *

We ask you to put a lying spirit (1 Kings 22:22-23; 2 Chron 18:21-22) upon all the New-Age prophecies so that the plans of the enemy will be tumbling into total confusion and destruction. *

We loose the ministering spirits of God on our loved ones, friends, country, business, etc. We loose the spirits of Adoption, Grace and Supplication, Truth, Peace, Love, Joy, Sound Mind, Praise, Worship, Prayer, Holiness, Obedience, Grace, Mercy, Conviction, Repentance, Deliverance and the Seven Spirits of God (Wisdom, Counsel, Might, Understanding, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord, Spirit of the Lord). Thank you, Father and Praise You, Father, in Jesus' mighty Name!

    • Prayer for leaders (page 10)
Lord, we pray that you turn the hearts of the leaders who govern unjustly so that they will make the right decisions, especially involving world evangelism (Prov 21:1); leaders who do not give You glory will fall from power (2 Sam 15:31; Ps 5:10,19:14; Dan 5:18-30; Acts 12); leaders who are truly searching for understanding will find knowledge and wisdom in Your Word (Proverbs 28:2). Let the leaders who live in darkness receive a personal message of Your love (Ps 52:15); leaders who live in war-torn nations will grow weary of continual bloodshed (1 Kings 5:3-4); leaders who lead corrupt governments will recognize their evil ways and turn to You (2 Chron 33:12-13); leaders who boast of power will realize that their earthly kingdom was given to them by You (Daniel 2:19-22). Let the rulership of your chosen leaders be strengthened by your grace, truth and goodness (Prov 20:28) and please send them godly, gifted advisors. 

    • Prayer for people and nations
Please send angels and bind and fight all the spirits that want to make people cursing each other or fearful, indoctrinated, separated, segregated, hateful, rebellious or hateful towards authorities, proud, sick, poisoned or murdered. Please loose into the people spirits of adoption, repentance, knowledge, salvation, faith, hope, love, power, obedience and self-control. Help them to turn away from the meaninglessness of the world and their lives, bless them with a hunger for Your Word, righteousness, peace and reconciliation. Prepare workers and send them into the harvest, so that people can be won for Your Kingdom. Please keep the nations peaceful and submitted under God-given authorities.

    • Declaration of Psalm 91 on Behalf of all the Body of Christ
