"The Lord, my husband, is my covering"?

Recently I wrote to a woman with a christian “prophetic” ministry website and regular teaching videos which were suggested to me on YouTube. God commands us not to share in the unfruitful works of darkness but rather to reprove them (Ephesians 5:11). 

So, I pointed out to her that she is not allowed to teach according to 1. Timothy 2 and that she shames her head because she is not covering her head while praying and “prophesying” - as 1. Corinthians 11 says. 

Her response was: 

“My Lord, my husband, is my covering. And 'her hair is given to her as a covering' if you will not have that answer.”

Do you know what’s wrong with that?

Sadly many things. To see the errors we must have a bold assumption: Christianity is a culture according to the principles of the world. And when we want to live according to Jesus’ heavenly Kingdom, we must see behind the veil. 

Do you see that even her answer itself has a contradiction in itself. She says „Her Lord“ would be her covering just to go on quoting scripture out of context that hair would be her covering. So what now, is her hair “Her Lord”? Or did she try saving herself out of being convicted according to Kingdom laws with even two false and contradictory excuses?

It is amazing that the Word of God is living and can not be broken. That told me two things: 

First thing: Her argument about hair as her covering must be easily disproved by the Word itself. And so: Isn‘t it funny that heresy is always illogical? If hair was a woman‘s covering, why does Paul say in 1. Corinthians 11:5-6 then “5But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.”? If we exchange the biblical term “covering” here with the term “hair” as the “minister” interpreted, I ask myself: How can Paul state – without sounding stupid – that a woman praying and prophesying without hair is the same thing as not having hair – just to follow that if a woman does not have hair, let her be shorn? What shall be shorn if she already does not have hair? Hair, therefore logically spoken, cannot be the covering. Her argument disproved. By the way: Do you know the difference between “katakalypto” and “peribolaion” and that hair and veil is not in the same category according to the Word of God? To make it short, a veil is for covering down the woman’s head; hair is a wrapping. Veil is a power; hair is a glory.

Since, she brushed me off with the response you saw above, I needed to reprove her: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2. Timothy 2:15)! Funny to point out that this verse is talking to men. What does the Word of God say to the women? “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church” (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).

Second thing that the living Word of God showed me: Both, the Old and New Testament speak about JEZEBEL – not in vain. Strong‘s tells you one thing about this name’s meaning: “Baal is husband to”. Baal just simply is a Hebrew word that means “lord”. So, Jezebel means “The Lord is my husband”. This is exactly what the wrong prophetess had responded to me! So this female “minister” revealed – through the lie that Jesus would be her covering – that she is in the Jezebel spirit. This mentioned lie of hers is also disproved in 1. Cor 11:3. And many people ignore it, so that Jesus has a wish to have them knowing: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” A woman’s head is not Christ but her husband. Or if a woman is rebellious according to 1. Timothy 5 and is not doing the works of a virtuous disciple lady but instead “speaking things which [she] ought not”, then a female’s head is at least her father or a deacon. In this present case, though, there was a married christian. So, the husband is her head. But not her covering. Besides: Though christians tend to spiritualize important matters – and through it try to pull the rug out from under the rebuke – a lady’s covering also is not Jesus but simply a piece of cloth according to the Word of God, supported by writers like Tertullian. But let‘s go on with the fact, that this said lady revealed through her wording that she is in the Jezebel spirit. It is a sad thing to share the following, but since it will let us see traits of the Jezebel-Ahab-relationship as if it is out of a textbook: I actually looked up her “ministry” homepage and found that while she unlawfully teaches men as if she were a fellow male, her husband makes artwork that looks like a woman made it. Even more shocking was that I found out she publishes book after book, written in the first person voice of Jesus, going page for page as she puts words into the mouth of Jesus – as if they need to be canonized into the New Testament! But if you think, prophetic anointing like this would be legit, I tell you, several things are wrong with this, too.

Do you think the most prophetically anointed Words on earth in vain were calling a rebellious, teaching woman in the New Testament „Jezebel“ when she teaches fornication and idolatry? Even without knowing, that lady does the same as old time Jezebel. And I tell you how: She has another Jesus. Her false Christ is OK with bypassing the God-created authority order by making her believe that he would be her covering. Her false Jesus is OK with breaking the Laws of Christ and teaches her to do so: To uncover her head while praying, to teach men to build a ministry and to give money for what she has received freely. (Her digital copies of books are sold – which is ridiculous). She sells the channeled messages of her so-called „My Lord“. But, can you name one female author of the Holy Bible? Coincidence that there is not even one? 

And yes, building a ministry empire is part of the American culture. It is the American dream shaped and disguised in a religious mantle. It is surely not the Kingdom culture. Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that he himself would build His Ekklesia. In contrast, the builders are those who scrutinized and later rejected the cornerstone. Such is the same behavior of sinful, heretical flesh since Babylon. There they started to build, unite and make an own name for themselves. But the only name under heaven given by God to receive salvation is Jesus (Acts 4:12). Not “XYZ Ministries”. Jesus never commanded to build anything. Jesus commanded to leave everything, to hate your soul, deny yourself, pick up your own cross and to cease from dead works. The fact that people like this christian “minister” work so much is either the sign of much grace or the fact that they are not ceasing from their dead works. Since it is pointed out step by step that she is not walking in the ways of Jesus and Paul, it cannot be grace. It must be the lack of ceasing from the own dead works. When we see traits like the above mentioned, we need to repent of our sinful pride and ambition, our self-deception of being a teacher of men, of being a pseudo-prophet or -prophetess. It is unpleasant but needed to mention that the specific lady is acting as an occult medium. And that she possibly is not born again.

And by all of these problems and sins, she teaches the servants of God to fornicate with another Jesus and another gospel, using another counterfeit-prophetic spirit – exactly how the Jezebel of the NT did it.

And since the “minister’s” husband tolerated all of this, he walks in an Ahab spirit and is even more wicked than her. So I asked her for a contact to the husband, I need to talk to him. Answer pending.

May God’s mercy be with all of us so that we can deny our lustful lives.
