Prophecy: Surface Mining in the Charcoal Field
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Symbolic picture: Coal excavator in an open lignite mine. In the background a coal-fuelled power plant with two cooling towers. |
This text is in no way directed to people who have been excluded from certain communities due to their persistence in sinful acts, attitudes or speeches. This kind of pastoral discipline is unfortunately rarely practiced today, but according to the law of Christ it is supposed to remove the leaven from the midst of the saints. Even if your church is not holy or if church discipline was exaggerated, in the above case you have been personally rebuked by God and are instructed to seek Him.
Furthermore, this text is not meant for people who have gathered hurts in these and those churches and cannot forgive. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood and you must be aware of this. It can be hard to forgive, but it is a duty as a child of God who has been forgiven everything all at once. This text is explicitly not an incentive to grumble about any church. It is all the more to prompt to approach the people in it and to serve them in straightforwardness, truth AND love.
This text is in no way directed to people who have been excluded from certain communities due to their persistence in sinful acts, attitudes or speeches. This kind of pastoral discipline is unfortunately rarely practiced today, but according to the law of Christ it is supposed to remove the leaven from the midst of the saints. Even if your church is not holy or if church discipline was exaggerated, in the above case you have been personally rebuked by God and are instructed to seek Him.
Furthermore, this text is not meant for people who have gathered hurts in these and those churches and cannot forgive. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood and you must be aware of this. It can be hard to forgive, but it is a duty as a child of God who has been forgiven everything all at once. This text is explicitly not an incentive to grumble about any church. It is all the more to prompt to approach the people in it and to serve them in straightforwardness, truth AND love.
I saw a wide piece of land like a cross-section. It was like gazing into a huge terrarium and looking at the different layers of earth above each other. On the surface there was a large, unexplored field of dark coal underneath a relatively tiny layer of earth. As I looked down this coal unexpectedly reached a certain depth. Then I suddenly saw a bucket-wheel excavator being used in open pit lignite mining. This gigantic machine began to break into the thin layer of earth and in the next moment immediately to extract the pitch black coal. Vision end.
After the vision I had to think of Zechariah 3. The High Priest Joshua - a servant of God - is accused by satan, who is standing on his right side. The God who chose Jerusalem rebukes the accuser and calls Joshua a log that was snatched out of the fire and then dresses him in garments of righteousness.
Often the followers of Jesus, who have distanced themselves from human structures, ask themselves whether things continue in such a way that there is no other brother in the whole area. No one else in sight is similarly "strange" on the way with the Lord. And then the Pharisees come from the churches and "free" congregations with the usual phrases: "Something is wrong with a Christian who has no congregation". "You are only rebellious!" "There is no perfect church. At least when you are with us, not any longer!" "You will lose your faith without a church!" The next minute they preach to you the pastoral fairy tale of the log:
One man - until then a faithful visitor to a Christian congregation - happens to stay away from the congregation from one winter Sunday to the next. In the following week there is a knock at the man's door in the evening. The pastor is standing in front of the door and after entering the house he is asked to sit in the armchair by the fireplace. The "shepherd" doesn't say a word about the matter and instead sits quietly next to the runaway sheep, while both look at the flickering flames of the open fire. Then the pastor stands up, takes the poker and rolls a piece of firewood from the embers into the far corner of the fireplace. After some time the wood stops burning and smokes. When the smoke also goes out, the "man of God" rises and moves to the door. The guest is bid farewell by the host with the following words: "Thank you for your sermon, Pastor. See you again next Sunday."
You know, when you come out of the Matrix, everything is the other way around. But not because God is a God of confusion, but satan is the Father of all lies and has woven us so much into a network of lies for centuries that we no longer notice that not only the world but also the church is upside down. God brings encouragement and promises in abundance and we must interpret them correctly.
Just as Christ suffered outside the camp, we should go out and suffer the same shame instead of building three huts on this earth in the midst of the spiritual flights of fancy. Our Lord has chosen a Jerusalem from Heaven, not from the earth, with whom he makes himself one in Zechariah 3. In this world no spiritual structure is to be built except that one brother owes love and faithfulness to another. Just as Joshua was saved from the fire, it is best for us to be drawn out of the fire of the ruined pseudo-Christian churches. Half-burning, steaming, black as coal and yet saved. For all too often those institutions have nothing in common with our Lord but just His name which they abuse and therefore defile you. They are full of people to whom Jesus will say: "I never knew you, depart from me, you doers of lawlessness!" - no matter how many good deeds THEY have done, because there is only ONE who is good: God in Heaven! Do you see how the church twists the Word of God? We are not supposed to be the log that glows in God's punishment and possibly even will burn in hell at last!
The accusations, curses and manipulative witchcraft prayers of system Christianity do not come from the human beings in this religious machinery. Pray for these people! If possible, talk to them so that they can come out of their delusion! The lies of the system come from the father of all accusations himself: satan is on our right side and wants to sue us. But he must do it on earth, because in Heaven there is no longer access for him to the throne room. He has fallen to the earth like lightning. In order to have a proper substitute for the throne room of God, the accuser created the religion of Christianity with the aim of condemning the refugees from this world. But be reminded: He stands on your right side, which means that he is subordinate to you as Christ sits on the right side of God in heaven as His servant.
Many of us saved logs are hidden by God for some time under the earth, so neither devil nor theologians have access. However, God has prepared from this horde of disorganized, mostly much too strongly charred woods and too badly christianized biographies a coal field, which is to be opened up in the latter days. The perfect end-time bride (Yes, I say perfect you Sheol-ogian. Go and read what that means: "unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" and "without wrinkles"!), which consists of the called out from the camp, will not have immense dimensions. But neither will it be a small, hopeless crowd. God will produce a considerable amount of people who don't know each other yet, but who will feel very familiar, so that God's family reunions will sprout without even a single religious administrative activity being required. This group will come from all nations and classes and was hidden only for this time even up until great depth. Therefore be encouraged: No matter how much pressure you are currently suffering, remember that the deeper you are hidden, the more brothers and sisters are still above you who are dependent on your prayer, as you are held by their supplication in the Spirit.
Translated with DeepL